TradeSalon Solution

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Selection Criteria for new product or service evaluation Relative Importance Rating (1 thru 10) Total (RI x RA)
Is the market for this product & service large enough? 5 8 40
Is the audience or market easy to target? 5 9 45
Is there any competition (potential or established)? 2 5 10
Can it be competitively priced? 3 7 21
Is the cost low enough to justify a high markup? 3 7 21
Dose is offer real value for the price asked? 4 9 36
Is the product & service original? Unique? 2 8 16
Dose it fill a need? 4 7 28
Is the product & service easy to use? to understand? 3 6 18
How safe is the product & service? 1 6 6
Is the product & service readily available or easy to manufacture/offer? 3 8 24
Does the product & service require top talents (professions or experts) 2 9 18
Is the product/service suitable for shipping? 2 10 20
Easy to ship and communicate? 1 6 6
Dose the product & service have a long life expectancy? 2 7 14
Does the products & service exclusive? Patentable? 2 7 14
Does the products & service encourage repeat business? 4 8 32
Is it compatible with the current product lines? 4 8 32
Is the expected return on investment high enough? 4 8 32
Will it contribute to the long-range growth of company? 3 9 27
Does the product & service need huge investment? 4 10 40
Average Weight: 3 Total 500
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